• Ernesto Cardenal Martínez (20 January 1925 – 1 March 2020) was a Nicaraguan Catholic priest, poet, and politician. He was a liberation theologian and the founder...
  • "Ernesto Cardenal, Nicraguan Priest, Poet and Revolutionary, Dies at 95".
  • It is nearly impossible to separate Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal from his country, or his poetry from his politics.
  • Ernesto Cardenal was born in Granada, Nicaragua and attended both the University of Mexico and Columbia University in New York City.
  • The photo of John Paul II wagging his right-hand finger at a kneeling Ernesto Cardenal became iconic.
  • Ernesto Cardenal , ilerici görüşlerini korurken, Başkan Daniel Ortega'nın otoriter liderliğini protesto ederek 1994'te FSLN'den ayrıldı .
  • In 2019 Pope Francis lifted the canonical sanctions against the ailing Cardenal, effectively reinstating him as an active priest.
  • Ernesto Cardenal is a Roman Catholic priest who is also a poet, politician, and revolutionary.
  • Ernesto Cardenal is a major poet of the Spanish language well known in the United States as a spokesman for justice and self-determination in Latin America.