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"Ferdinand Christian Bauer" sorgusu için sonuçlar eklendi. İptal
  • Ferdinand Christian Baur (21 June 1792 – 2 December 1860) was a German Protestant theologian and founder and leader of the (new) Tübingen School of theology...
  • Ferdinand Christian Baur, the son of a Protestant minister and dean of the theological seminary at Blaubeuren, was born at Schmiden, near Stuttgart, on June...
  • Baur held that Jewish Christianity was the thesis, the Gentile version was the antithesis , or reaction, and catholic Christianity constituted the Hegelian synthesis.
  • When Christians start thinking about Jesus, things start breaking down, they lose their faith.
  • Baur’un 1830’lar ve 1840’ların başlarındaki çalışmaları önemli Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi (2 cilt, 1845) ve Textbook of the History of Christian Dogma (1847)...
    Bulunamadı: bauer
  • Ferdinand Christian Baur, 21 Haziran 1792'de Stuttgart yakınlarında bir papaz ailesinde doğdu.
  • Eduard Zeller, Christian Baur ve Tubingue okulu, Almanca'dan Charles Ritter, Paris, Éd tarafından çevrilmiştir.
  • The Christ Party in the Corinthian Community by Ferdinand Christian Baur (1792–1860), one of the founders of modern New Testament scholarship...
  • Baur, Ferdinand Christian a German theologian of marked influence on the German theology of the nineteenth century, was born June 21st, 1792; became...
  • Ferdinand Christian Baur, 19. yüzyıl Alman Protestan teologu ve tarihçisiydi.