- saskatoon.ca heritage-register/former-fire-hall-…It is the last remaining example of Saskatoon's original fire halls and serves as a reminder of the changes that the city has undergone over the course of its...
- en.wikipedia.org Former Fire Hall No. 3The Former Fire Hall No. 3 is a municipal designated historic building located in the Nutana neighborhood of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. History.
- web.archive.org web/20110706203258/http://www.…Located at 612 11th Street East, Former Fire Hall No.3 was officially designated heritage property on February 25, 1991.
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/Category:Saskatoon_…municipal designated historic building in Nutana neighborhood of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- arrowonline.ca mcm_project/city-saskatchewan-fire…The new fire hall provides services for the area and will improve response times, including those to Saskatoon’s new Stonebridge development.Bulunamadı: former
- grahambuilds.com city-of-saskatoon-fire-station-…
- historypin.org en/the-saskatoon-early-…Tags: saskatoon (sask.) - history, saskatoon (sask.) - buildings, saskatoon - architecture, saskatoon fire hall. Viewed: 36.Bulunamadı: former
- OpenTripMap.com en/card/Q5470088The Former Fire Hall No. 3 is a municipal designated historic building located in the Nutana neighborhood of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan...Bulunamadı: саскатун
- aodbt.com projects/city-of-saskatoon-fire-station…
- kids.kiddle.co List_of_historic_places_in_…This article is a list of historic places in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan entered on the Canadian Register of Historic Places, whether they are federal, provincial...
- winnipegfiremuseum.ca firefighters-places/WFPS has two divisions: the Winnipeg Fire Department (WFD) and the Winnipeg Emergency Medical Services (WEMS), with a centralized dispatch system.
- wikimapia.org 1601177/Fire-Hall-No-3This 1911 building is the last remaining historic fire station in Saskatoon. In its heyday it boasted of having doors that automatically opened at the sound of the...Bulunamadı: former
- wikiaro.ru wiki/Former_Fire_Hall_No._3В Бывший пожарный зал № 3 муниципальное историческое здание, расположенное в Нутана окрестности Саскатун, Саскачеван, Канада.