• Professor Frederick Soddy states that the Gold Standard monetary system has wrecked a scientific age! ...
  • For further details about Professor Frederick Soddy, see The World Made New: Frederick Soddy, Science, Politics, and Environment by Dr Linda Merricks.
  • Frederick Soddy (2 September 1877–22 September 1956) was an English radiochemist who explained, with Ernest Rutherford, that radioactivity is due to the...
  • This unusual account is subtitled Rutherford and Soddy in a Glorious Chapter of Science, and further subtitled The Life Story of Frederick Soddy.
  • Londra tüccarı olan Benjamin Soddy’nin oğlu Frederick Soddy, 2 Eylül 1877’de İngiltere’nin Sussex şehrindeki Eastbourne’da dünyaya geldi.
  • 1903 yılında Frederick Soddy Kanada'dan İngilteɾe'ye geɾi döndü. Londɾa'daki College Üniveɾsitesi'nde İskoç kimyacı William Ramsay ilе birliktе çalışmaya başladı.
  • Discover Frederick Soddy famous and rare quotes. Share Frederick Soddy quotations about science, energy and ignorance. "The ruling passion of the age is to..."
  • Frederick Soddy was born on 2nd September 1877 in the seaside town of Eastbourne. His father was Benjamin Soddy, a corn merchant and his mother was...
  • Frederick Soddy F rederick Soddy, the son of Benjamin Soddy, a London merchant, was born at Eastbourne, Sussex, England, on September 2, 1877.
  • 3. Luisa Bonolis: Frederick Soddy (1877-1956) – Lindau Mediatheque, http://www.mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org/research-profile/laureate-soddy.