• Hey admit to sabbatism before sabbatism was even a thing. They also admit the moors were only able to invades Spain because the jews opened the gates.
  • Both Latin and Arabic chroniclers record that the Jews of the city “opened the gates of Toledo” to Tariq, who conquered the city.
  • Toledo Gate - There is something in those gates and triumphal arches in Madrid.
  • It is said that Alfonso VI used this gate upon his victory in the reconquest of Toledo, reason to change the name of this gateway in addition to distinguishing it...
  • The most important part is that they got the option to leave Toledo or convert to Christianity 150 years prior.
  • Puerta de Toledo - Madrid: Information, rates, prices, tickets, how to get there, telephone, schedules, map, photos, books and guides, guided visits and tours.
  • The gate is located in the middle of the Glorieta de Toledo.
  • The Puerta de Bisagra (originally Bab al-Saqra, also called Puerta de Alfonso VI) is a city gate of Toledo, Spain. The structure was constructed in the 10th century...
  • The structure has two gates and four towers and took on the nickname "Jew’s Gate" for a time, as it linked the river Tagus’ western bank to Toledo’s Jewish Quarter.