• Georges Charpak was born on 1 August 1924[4] as Jerzy Charpak to Jewish parents, Anna (Szapiro) and Maurice Charpak, in the village of Dąbrowica in...
  • Georges Charpak, who died on 29 September, worked at CERN for most of his scientific career ( CERN Courier November 2010 p6).
  • In 1968 Georges Charpak developed the multiwire proportional chamber, which represented a more effective way of detecting particles.
  • In 1992, Charpak became the last individual recipient of the Nobel Prize for physics for his work on particle detectors which led to advancements in computer data...
  • The Polish-French physicist Georges Charpak, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1992 for his work on particle detectors, died yesterday at the age of 86.
  • Nonetheless, Georges Charpak, a communist and a student of a communist, Frederic Joliot-Curie, wanted to head in a completely different direction.
  • The Nobel Prize in Physics 1992 was awarded to Georges Charpak “for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional...
  • Georges Charpak, who has died aged 86, won the Nobel prize for physics in 1992 for his invention and subsequent development of the multiwire proportional...
  • Georges Charpak Georges Charpak was a Polish-born French physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1992 for his invention of subatomic particle d.