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"Shahbazkhan" sözcüğündeki yazım hatası düzeltildi. İptal
  • The mosque is located in a basement that has a prayer hall and chambers around its courtyard.
  • The bath of Haj Shahbaz Khan Kalhor is related to the Qajar period and is located in Kermanshah, Modares Street, the historical fabric of the city, Raste Bazar...
  • The founder of Haaj Shahbazkhan Mosque is one of great ones of the Kalhor tribe, who in the Fathalishah reign gained the tribe’s Ghale beigy rank.
    Bulunamadı: hajj
  • According to many, Haji Shahbaz used to come to this mosque with a large number of jinns and pray with them.
    Bulunamadı: hajj
  • Hall number 1 is for men and hall number 2 for women. We encourage everyone to try and walk to the Mosque.
    Bulunamadı: shahbaz, hajj
  • Jame mosque of Yazd, travel to Iran, Iran travel, Iran tour package.
    Bulunamadı: hajj
  • The mosque and the tomb of Shahbaz Khan are situated in the old high court area, on the eastern edge of the mausoleum of three leaders.
  • The measurement of the mosque is exactly 20.73 m by 7.92m.
    Bulunamadı: hajj
  • A merchant of prince of Dhaka who built the mosque as well as his own Dargah Sharif during his lifetime in - 1086 (h).It is anIslamic architecture.
    Bulunamadı: hajj