• The Halcyon is an unreleased home video game console produced by RDI Video Systems. The system was planned to be released in January 1985...
  • The Halcyon (Model No. 200LD) is an unreleased video game console developed by RDI Video Systems. It was slated for release in January 1985, but it was ultimately cancelled.
  • For the console collector, there are very few systems that will match the rarity of the Halcyon and it will be difficult to find one for sale.
  • Credits. Descriptions by gshowguy. Video captures courtesy of William Hunter. The Halcyon was an ill-fated LaserDisc game system created by RDI Video Systems...
  • This was the RDI Halcyon, a new home gaming console from inventor Rick Dyer.
  • The Halcyon had numerous firsts for a home console. First to use optical discs, first to support voice recognition, and the first to render full motion video.
  • RDI, a manufacturer of some famous games such as Dragon's Lair and Space Ace, tried to release a home console in 1985, the first CD based console, RDI Halcyon.
  • Product: HALCYON. Console with doors and drawers.