- Das Dommuseum Hildesheim bewahrt mit dem Domschatz, der Teil des UNESCO-Welterbes ist, eine der weltweit bedeutendsten Sammlungen sakraler Kunst.
- en.wikipedia.org Hildesheim Cathedral MuseumBishop Eduard Jakob Wedekin donated his extensive art collection to the museum. The Hildesheim Cathedral Museum (German: Dommuseum Hildesheim)...
- tripadvisor.com Attraction_Review-g187352-…I visited Hildesheim particularly to see the Bernward treasures in their new setting of the museum.
- whichmuseum.com museum/hildesheim-cathedral-…The Hildesheim Cathedral Museum provides a comprehensive overview of over 1000 years of church, art, and piety history in the Lower Saxony area.
- top-rated.online cities/Hildesheim/place/p/…The museum was (according to museum staff) renewed as part of the cathedral renovation, thus offering a contemporary presentation of the exhibits.
- 9staedte.de en/hildesheim-cathedral-museum/Special tip: entrance fee for groups up to 25 persons: 25 € (only in combination with a guided tour of the cathedral or the Museum).
- useum.org museum/hildesheim-cathedral-museumThe Hildesheim Cathedral Museum houses one of the world's finest collections of sacred art: the Hildesheim Cathedral Treasury, which forms part of the...
- sacred-destinations.com germany/hildesheim-…One of many remarkable medieval treasures in Hildesheim Cathedral, Bernward's Door (Bernwardstüren) is the first set of bronze doors since Roman times to be...
- niedersachsen-tourism.com experiences/culture-in-…Hildesheim Cathedral Museum is also home to one of the world's most important collections of religious art: the Hildesheim Cathedral Treasury...
- whc.unesco.org en/list/187/Criterion (iii): St Mary's Cathedral and St Michael's Church of Hildesheim and their artistic treasures afford better and more immediate overall understanding than...Bulunamadı: museum
Hildesheim Katedrali
Orta Çağ Katolik Katedrali
Genel bilgiler
Hildesheim Katedrali (Almanca: Hildesheimer Dom), resmi adıyla Meryem'in Göğe Yükselişi Katedrali (Almanca: St. Mariä Himmelfahrt), Almanya'nın Hildesheim şehir merkezinde bulunan bir Orta Çağ Katolik katedralidir. 1985 yılında UNESCO tarafından Dünya Kültür Mirası olarak ilan edilmiştir.
Katedral kilisesi 1010 ve 1020 yılları arasında Romanesk tarzında inşa edilmiştir. Eski Saksonya'daki Otto dönemi Romanesk mimarisinin karakteristiği olan iki apsisli bir simetrik planı kullanmıştır.
Hildesheim Katedrali bronzdan yapılmış ve üzerinde Eski Ahit'ten anlatıların resmedildiği meşhur bir kapıya sahiptir. Bu kapı Bernward kapısı olarak bilinmektedir.
Kısa bilgiler
- Yükseklik:20 m
- Tarzlar:
- Tamamlanma tarihi:872