• There is a House of Slaves in Gorée for exactly the same reasons for which there isn’t one in Sullivan’s Island: political convenience and monetary gains.
  • Île de Gorée. House of slaves. African Renaissance monument. Dakar’s Markets. ... Senegal. Ile de Goree. House of slaves. African Renaissance monument.
  • The House of Slaves (Maison des Esclaves) and its Door of No Return is a museum and memorial to the victims of the Atlantic slave trade on Gorée Island...
  • Maison des Esclaves (House of slaves) is probably the most famous slave store-house in the World. Constructed in 1776 on Gorée Island, it served as the final...
  • Goree Island was the shipping point for many slaves going to the Americas. the memorial created next to the House of Slaves.
  • Nevertheless, Goree Island and the House of Slaves is viewed worldwide as one of the main memorials dedicated to the recognition of the horrors of slavery.
  • Maison des Esclaves, The House of Slaves. Goree Island has a shady history, and we learned a bit about the atrocities of the island.
  • The House of Slaves of Gorée. Price. Défiler vers le bas. ... The House of Slaves, which dates from 1776 was built by the Dutch.
  • Maison des Esclaves (House of Slaves), Gorée Island, Senegal. Share this
  • Former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard said after visiting Gorée in 1981, “It is not easy for a white man… to visit this Slave House without feeling ill at ease.”