• C. W. Ingrao, In Quest and Crisis: Emperor Joseph I and the Habsburg Monarchy (1979).
  • I. Joseph (Almanca: Joseph I., İngilizce: Joseph I) (26 Temmuz 1678 – 17 Nisan 1711), Kutsal Roma İmparatoru, Macaristan ve Bohemya Kralı ve Avusturya...
  • The eldest son of the emperor Leopold I, Joseph became king of Hungary in 1687 and king of the Romans, the imperial successor-designate, in 1690.
  • I. Joseph, Kutsal Roma İmparatoru, Doğum Tarihi 26 Temmuz 1678 Salı. Ölümü 1711, 33 yaşında vefat etmiştir.
  • Aşırı tutkuları olan annesi tarafından yetiştirilen Franz joseph I, imparatorluğun işlevi ve Habsburg sülalesi önderinin görevi konusunda derin bilgi edindi.
  • Franz Joseph, Avusturya-Macaristan'ın tüm devlet makinesi tarafından yetiştirilen egemen-patrik imajında büyük bir zevkle hareket etti.
  • Joseph also instigated a short war with Pope Clement XI at the end of 1709, forcing him to recognize Charles as king of Spain.
  • The eldest son of the emperor Leopold I, Joseph became king of Hungary in 1687 and king of the Romans, the imperial successor-designate, in 1690.
  • Upon becoming emperor, Joseph I attempted to push through further ambitious reforms, but his short reign was dominated by the war.
  • The book examines the production of cantatas by composers in the service of the Hapsburg emperors Leopold I (1658-1705) and his son Joseph I...