• I. Ramses (ü. MÖ 14. yüzyıl) Mısır Firavunu (hd. MÖ 1320-18) 19. sülalenin kurucusudur. Asker kökenli bir aileden geliyordu.
  • Instead, Ramses I flew on a regular commercial flight, but the captain announced to the passengers that they were “traveling with royalty”.
  • Çoğu Mısırbilimci, I. Ramsesi on dokuzuncu hanedanın kurucusu olarak kaydetmiştir, ancak eski Mısır’da birkaç kişi Horemheb’e bu onuru vermiştir.
  • Menpehtyre Ramesses I (or Ramses) was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt's 19th Dynasty. The dates for his short reign are not completely known but the timeline of late...
  • Ramesses I in hieroglyphs. The first pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty, a.k.a. Ramses I.
  • Ramses I, the founder of a dynasty. Over the years, Horemheb found himself having to appoint an heir since he had not managed to father male offspring.
  • Ramses, Fransız damgalı pasaporta sahip ilk ve tek mumya olduktan sonra Fransa'ya yolculuğu başladı.
  • Paramessu became pharaoh upon the death of Horemheb in approximately 1820 B.C. He took the name of Ramses I, which meant “Ra has fashioned him.”
    • Interesting biography, facts and information about Ramses I
    • Short Biography about the life of Ramses I the famous Egyptian Pharaoh
    • Short Biography, Facts and History of Ramses I
  • Ramses, (d. M.Ö. 1302 – ö. M.Ö. 1213). Eski Mısır`da, 19. Hanedan`a mensup bir firavun. ... Bu hanedani başlatan Ramses-I, bir önceki 18. hanedanın...