• Julius veya doğum adı ile Giuliano della Rovere (5 Kasım 1443 - 21 Şubat 1513), 1503-1513 yılları arasında görev almış olan Papa.
  • In that case, one can see how Julius II was not a great pope in a spiritual leader, but his political influence would be felt in much of society in his time.
  • Julius II became pope in the context of the Italian Wars, a period in which the major powers of Europe fought for primacy in the Italian Peninsula.
  • Fransızlar tarafından nefret, Julius II birkaç temsillerinin Fransa'da nesnesiydi aptallıkları ve ahlaklılıkların en ünlü dahil, erkeklere geyik Av ve Delilerin Prensi...
  • Julius II, akrabalarının kendilerine zenginlik ve onur getiren karlı evliliklere girmesini sağladı ve ailesini Avrupa'nın en soylu aileleriyle ilişkilendirdi.
  • ayrıca vatikan'ı koruma görevinde 500 yılı geride bırakan isviçre muhafızları'nın hikâyesi 1505 yılında papa ıı. julius'un, isviçre'den kendisini koruyacak bir birlik...
  • In the end, Julius II succeeded in blocking Bologna's independence and greatly weakening the power of the Venetian Republic through the War of Cambrai.
  • Pope Julius II was the 216th leader of the Catholic Church and the second among those great men to guide by the papal name of “Julius.”
  • Julius II was the greatest art patron of the papal line (reigned 1503–13) and one of the most powerful rulers of his age.
  • Michelangelo subsequently carved a marble statue of him, and Julius II examined it with a puzzled expression, asking, What is that under my arm?"
  • Julius II: Savaşçı PapaChristine Shaw - Merchant'ı ziyaret edin Michelangelo ve Papa'nın TavanıRoss King tarafından.
  • Nicknamed “Il terrible” by his contemporaries and the “Warrior Pope” by historians, Julius II’s early sixteenth-century pontificate marked a notable political and...