• Finally in order to get more information about ifconfig command use commands like man ifconfig or ifconfig --help at the terminal.
  • Net-tools ile birlikte verilen ifconfig'in ekran görüntüsü. Ifconfig (arabirim yapılandırmasının kısaltması)...
  • To set the maximum transmission unit to a network interface (say eth0): ifconfig eth0 mtu 1000 The MTU allows you to set the limit size of packets that are...
  • ifconfig. wlp4s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500. inet netmask broadcast
  • To delete an alias interface use ifconfig. eth0:0 down.
  • ifconfig (short for interface config) is a system administration utility in Unix-like operating systems for network interface configuration.
  • Even though ifconfig has limited capabilities compared to IP, the command is still commonly used to configure a network interface in Linux.
  • The “ifconfig” command with no arguments will display all the active network interface configuration details that includes their assigned IP addresses, netmasks...
  • ifconfig - bir ağ arayüzünü yapılandırır. ifconfig [arayüz] ifconfig arayüz [adres_ailesi] seçenekler | adres. ifconfig, çekirdek içinde bulunan ağ arayüzlerini ayarlamak...
  • Network Configuration: ifconfig allows users to configure network interfaces, including setting IP addresses, netmasks, and broadcast addresses.