• The indri (/ˈɪndri/ ; Indri indri), also called the babakoto, is one of the largest living lemurs, with a head-body length of about.
  • Yünlü makiler sadece 25 - 30 uzunluğa ve 0,6 - 1,6 Kg ağırlığa varırken, indri 90 cm'ye varan boyu ve 10 Kg'ya varan ağırlığı ile tüm makimsiler grubunun...
  • As the flagship species for conservation efforts in Madagascar, the indri offers important insight into wildlife preservation strategies on this fragile island nation.
  • The indri is an endangered species found only in remote parts of northeastern Madagascar, where it is protected by law.
  • The largest lemur and a tremendous leaper, the Indri is one of the flagship primate species and a highlight of any visit to Madagascar.
  • Ya da bir indrinin yenmesi kötü şans nedeni olarak görülüyorsa bile bir kişi bir indri avlayıp satabilmektedir.
  • The Indri are active throughout the daytime and feed primarily on fruit and leaves whilst in their canopy home.
  • The indri’s origins trace back to Madagascar, where it stands as one of the island’s most unique and ancient primate species.
  • Indris generally prefer forests at low-to-mid elevations, but groups are occasionally found at higher altitudes.
  • Indri indri is considered to be the largest of the surviving lemur species.