- cpu-world.com CPUs/80487/Intel-A80487SX.htmlIf you want to compare in detail the Intel A80487SX with any other processor from our CPU database please select desired processor using one of the following...
- http://nbcpu.com cpuinfo-7542-Intel A80487SX.htmlNotes on Intel A80487SX.
- cpushack.com chippics/Intel/8048x/…Intel. Model: A80487SX. Speed: 33MHz Max. Type: 80487. Data Code ... Bus Speed: 33MHz This is the Intel FPU for the SX systems.
- tr.wiki34.com wiki/Intel_80487Intel 80487 veya i487SX , Intel 80486SX mikroişlemciyle birlikte kullanılması amaçlanan bir matematik yardımcı işlemcisiydi . Aslında tam bir Intel 80486DX mikroişlemcisiydi .
- cpu-galaxy.at cpu/intel cpu/Coprozessor/Intel …It was a normal 486 DX processor when installed disable the onboard SX Processor and take over main operation of the CPU/FPU.
- http://cpu-museo.it fpu/487_4167/487_4167.htmlScreenshot 80487 VS 4167 Video Intel vs Weitek Video Test 80487.
- lo-tech.co.uk wiki/80x87_Math_CoprocessorsThe Intel i487SX was marketed as a floating point unit coprocessor for Intel 486SX machines, but actually contained a full-blown 486DX ... 80486 (or 80487).
- buyukansiklopedi.com Intel_80487Bu, 80487 yardımcı işlemcilerinin Intel tarafından talep edilenlerden daha rekabetçi bir fiyata 80486DX olarak yeniden satılmasını engelledi .
- cpucollection.se details_image_id_693.htmlIntel A80487SX SZ494. ... Previous image: Idt Orion 4600. Next image: Intel Itanium II 900MHZMP/1.5ML3/400/1.5 SL6P6.
- harddiskdirect.com sz494-intel-processor.htmlProduct Description. Intel SZ494 A80487SX 15MHz to 25MHz 8KB L1 Cache Coprocessor.