• Jüri Uluots delivered a radio address that implored all able-bodied men born from 1904 through 1923 to report for German military service (Before this, Uluots...
  • Jüri Uluots. * 13.01.1890 in the Kirbla rural municipality, Lääne (Western Estonia) County † 09.01.1945 in Stockholm.
  • Jüri Uluots umutsuz bir radyo bildirisi yayınladı ve 1904'ten 1923'e kadar doğan tüm askeri olarak yetenekli erkeklere Estonya Silahlı Savunma Servisi'ne...
  • As Wehrmacht'ın terk Estonya, muzdarip Uluots kanser liderliğindeki yeni hükümeti oluşturan Otto TIEF18 Eylül 1944.
  • Jüri Uluots was a politician, who served in the Estonian parliament (Riigikogu), and was the speaker of the Riigivolikogu (lower chamber) from April 4...
  • Jüri Uluots sündis 13. jaanuaril 1890 Kirbla vallas. Pärast Pärnu gümnaasiumi lõpetamist 1910. a asus ta õppima õigusteadust Peterburi ülikoolis.
  • Jüri Uluots (13 January 1890 – 9 January 1945) was an Estonian prime minister, journalist, prominent attorney and distinguished Professor and Dean of the...
  • Jüri Uluots on üks tuntumaid korporatsioon Rotalia vilistlasi, kes on mõjutanud Eesti riigi arengut ja ajalugu.
  • uamf26_8_juri_uluots.tif (14.89 MB) uamf26_8.jpg (24.83 KB).
  • Jüri Uluots: Sellepärast, et sõjasündmused ei seisa enam Eestimaast kaugel ja ulatuvad Eesti piiridesse.
  • This will be followed by the inhumation of Jüri Uluots and his wife Anette and son Erik, with honours, at Kirbla Cemetery, the burial ground of the Uluots family.
  • Jüri Uluots is a 54 years old Prime Minister of Estonia from Lääne County.