• Joseph Brodsky was the embodiment of the hopes not only of Anna Akhmatova, the last of the great Petersburg poets from the beginning of the century...
  • Eleştirmen Dinah Birch, Brodsky'nin " ingilizce'deki ilk şiir cildi Joseph Brodsky: Seçilmiş Şiirler (1973), gücünün kendine özgü kuru...
  • In the essay “Faith and Good Works: Joseph Brodsky and His Translators,” which appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, Stephanie Sandler wrote that...
  • Brodsky’s popularity overseas was growing and in 1970 the book ‘A Stop in a Desert’ was published in New York - it contained Joseph’s poems and translations.
  • Before his death in 1996 Nobel-Prize winning poet Joseph Brodsky was working to establish a Russian Academy in Rome.
  • Analysis (ai): "History of the Twentieth Century (A Roadshow)" by Joseph Brodsky is a satirical and poignant examination of the past century.
  • Joseph Brodsky had a unique sense of humor and often incorporated witty wordplay into his poetry, showcasing his playful and quirky side.
  • The 80th anniversary of the birth of Russian poet and Nobel laureate Joseph Brodsky was marked this year in Russia by an incident on May 25 highlighting the...
  • For my generation of American Slavists, born in the 1940s, Joseph Brodsky’s appearance on our shores in 1972 was as startling as Nabokov’s.
  • On June 4, 1972, Joseph Brodsky became an involuntary exile from his native country.