• Josquin des Prez (d. yak. 1451, Doornik, günümüzde Belçika - ö. 27 Ağustos, 1521, Condé-sur-l'Escaut, kuzey Fransa) Fransız-Flaman bir Rönesans dönemi müzik bestecisi.
  • They have rendered special services to Josquin Desprez: Between 1987 and 2020, they recorded all of Josquin’s masses and released them on a total of nine CDs.
  • In common with many others at this time, Josquin believed that artistic gifts were a divine loan to be repaid to God in the form of loyal service.
  • Led by Josquin des Prez , the succeeding generation was extraordinarily rich in its number of fine composers, including Jakob Obrecht , Heinrich Isaac...
  • His name has been given a variety of different spellings, including his speculated original name of Josquin Lebloitte dit Desprez...
  • Nothing is known about Josquin’s parents or siblings. We only know that he had an uncle and an aunt, Gille Lebloitte dit Desprez and Jacque Banestonne...
  • Josquin Desprez, 15. yüzyılın sonlarında yaşamış ve polifonik müziğin sınırlarını zorlayan yaratıcı bestecilerden biriydi.
  • Josquin des Prez biyografisini okuyarak Josquin des Prez şarkıları, albümleri ve liste geçmişi hakkında daha fazla bilgi al.
  • Josquin des Prez "Qui habitat".
    221 bin görüntüleme
    Yayınlandı30 May 2009
  • Josquin des Prez – Texts and Translations.