- 1896 No.1 Georg Hirth, who started the magazine, was one of the most influential thinkers in Munich.
- en.wikipedia.org Jugend (magazine)Jugend (German for 'Youth') (1896–1940) was an influential German arts magazine. Founded in Munich by Georg Hirth who edited it until his death in 1916...
- celestialvenus.wordpress.com 2019/08/23/jugend-…Jugend was a late 19th century cultural magazine published in Germany.
- wikijtr.icu wiki/Jugend_(magazine)Katkısı Jugend edebiyatına erken modern dönem ancak mütevazı kaldı - rakip derginin aksine Simplicissimus...
- A special Angel tier for $10/mo will allow access to all Jugend and Simplicissimus magazines plus every month I will be offering access to one of my newly...
- bygonely.com jugend-covers-1890s/Jugend (Youth) (1896-1940) was a German art magazine. It was initially meant to showcase German Arts and Crafts but became known to show off the...
- openculture.com 2017/09/download-hundreds-of-…The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines writes, “Among Jugend’s most important qualities—indeed, an essential aspect of Art Nouveau and...
- lapetitemelancolie.net 2013/06/23/jugend-magazine/Jugend Magazine’s style became influential in the launching of Art Nouveau movement in Germany and give this movement its German name: Jugendstill...
- barnebys.com blog/jugend-the-birth-of-an-artistic…Published in Germany for nearly 40 years without interruption, 'Jugend' was one of the most important modern art magazines.
- pinterest.ca arielplath/jugend-magazine/Mar 9, 2024 - Explore Ariel Plath's board "JUGEND MAGAZINE", followed by 115 people on Pinterest.