- Victory for the KAMAZ-master team! Dmitry Sotnikov won the Silk Way rally marathon for the fifth time in his career.
- digital.kamaz.ru en/about/kamaz-master/4,3In 2022, the KAMAZ-master team, with funding from KAMAZ PTC, mastered the production of children's karts of the Micro 4T KAMAZ-master Junior class.
- kamazexport.com company/kamaz-master/In addition, KAMAZ-master is the eight-time winner of the international Silk Way Rally, the permanent leader of the Russian Rally-Raid Championships.
- en.m.wikipedia.org Kamaz MasterKamaz Master is a Russian motorsport team founded in 1988, using and promoting KAMAZ trucks. It is a long-time winner and medallist of different motorsport competitions...
- youtube.com channel/…
- tr.wiki7.org wiki/КАМАЗ-мастерKAMAZ-master , ralli baskınlarına katılım konusunda uzmanlaşmış bir Rus yarış takımıdır. Rusya'nın Naberezhnye Chelny şehrinde bulunan KamAZ otomobil fabrikası ile bağlantılı .
- tr.motorsport.com team/team-kamaz-master/17415/…Nikolaev ve Kamaz, art arda üçüncü kez Dakar’ı kazandı. Dakar'da taraftara çarpan Kamaz sürücüsü diskalifiye edildi.
- redbull.com int-en/videos/kamaz-master-teamKamaz team trains before Dakar 2012.
- news.google.com topics/……Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Kamaz Master" topic with Google News.