• The KANZI® apple is the perfect blend of a juicy Gala and a tangy-sweet Braeburn.
  • The Kanzi apple has the same parentage as the Jazz from New Zealand and they are similar in taste and appearance, although the texture of the Jazz is harder...
  • Thus we have Kanzi, a brand new 21st century apple, whose name is supposedly (loosely) derived from the Swahili for "hidden treasure" - of course.
  • The apples were named Kanzi® and were filed for a plant patent in 2002, approved in 2006 under United States Plant Patent USPP 17201P3.
  • Here’s what you’re going to need to know whether you’re taking care of your Kanzi apple tree orchard or the apple tree and your garden.
  • Fans in Bakerfield, CA spotted Kanzi apples at #TraderJoes Is there supermarket where you get sweet & tangy #kanzis Share photos with us!
  • The first Kanzi apples were brought to the United States in the year 2014 by Japanese importers.
  • According to the growers, the Kanzi is a new variety of apple developed in Belgium around 2004 to 2007.
  • Production of Kanzi® apples has steadily increased; they are grown mainly in Western Europe, particularly the Netherlands, and Australia.