• Kip Thorne, yer çekimi ve astrofizik alanında yapılan buluşları etkileyici ve heyecanlandırıcı bir dille sunmasıyla ünlüdür.
  • Kip Thorne won the Nobel Prize in physics in 2017 along with two other professors.
  • Kip S. Thorne My youth. I was born in 1940 in Logan, Utah, USA, a college town of 16,000, nestled in a verdant valley in the Rocky Mountains.
  • Kip Thorne (born June 1, 1940, Logan, Utah) is an American physicist who was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on the Laser Interferometer...
  • 240px-Kip_Thorne_at_Caltech Kip Stephan Thorne, 1940 Haziran ayında ABD’nin Utah eyaletinde dünyaya geldi.Thorne...
  • kip thorne, “hoop conjecture“ ı ortaya atarak “naked singularity“ kavramını geçersiz kılmıştır.hoop conjecture, belli ve kritik bir çevresi olan bir çember, içeriye...
  • In the year 1967, Kip Thorne was appointed as an assistant professor at the ‘Caltech Institute of Technology’.
  • The three astrophysics laureates on stage at the ceremony in Oslo; from left Ronald W.P. Drever's representative, Rainer Weiss and Kip S. Thorne.
  • Kip Thorne studied at Caltech Institute of Technology and graduated in 1962 with his Bachelor of Science.
  • Spielberg, Universal ile olan ilişkisini kestikten sonra , Christopher Nolan filmin yönetmeni oldu ve Thorne, filmin bilimsel danışmanı ve baş yapımcısı oldu [10] [11] .