• Waldheim Viyana Üniversitesi'nde hukuk öğrenimini bitirdikten sonra, 1945 yılında Avusturya diplomatik hizmetine katıldı.
  • Kurt Waldheim, 52, returned to the United Nations as Austria's Permanent Representa-tive in October 1970.
  • Kurt Waldheim was appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations for a five-year term beginning on 1 January 1972.
  • This CIA document (downloaded copy CIA WALDHEIM KURT VOL.1_0030 ), dated by 1986 and declassified at some point between 2007 and 2017, shows that...
  • waldheim affäre 'sini özetlemek gerekirse: kurt waldheim gecmisindeki ns -baglantisini gizlemeye calismis ve de hatta hakkinda yalanlar söylemistir...
  • Kurt Waldheim served in the Austrian army as a volunteer (1936–37) before he began to study for a diplomatic career.
  • It was discovered that Waldheim had a significant position as an intelligence officer in the Wehrmacht and was present during war crimes in Yugoslavia and Greece.
  • Kurt Waldheim was born on 21 December 1918 in a village named Sankt Andra-Wordern, located close to Vienna, Austria to Watzlawick and his wife.
  • In an autobiography published today, Kurt Waldheim, a former United Nations Secretary General and onetime President of Austria, ascribed his banishment from...