- en.wikipedia.org Lascar (volcano)Its large crater is filled by another cone,[55] which forms the highest summit of the Lascar volcano.[3] Immediately east of it lies the eastern cone...
- volcano.si.edu volcano.cfm?vn=355100SERNAGEOMIN reported that during 15-21 February seismicity at Láscar continued to be dominated by volcano-tectonic signals with smaller numbers of both...
- tripadvisor.com.tr Attraction_Review-g303681-…Recomendo aclimatação antes de fazer uma subida tão alta como a do Lascar. ... My daughters really want to hike Lascar Volcano.
- volcano.oregonstate.edu láscarThe Lascar Volcano is an active andesitic to dacitic stratovolcano that consists of an elongate series of six overlapping craters, trending roughly northeast, with...
- ipoc-network.org observatory/sites/lascar/Láscar Volcano, located in the Chilean Andes 70 km SE of San Pedro de Atacama, is the most active volcano of the Central Volcanic Zone.
- walkaboot.ca south-america/chile/climbing-lascar-…Lascar Volcano continues to erupt frequently with a series of eruptions occurring from 2006-2011 not including the most recent one in 2015 so obviously I had no...
- gochile.cl en/lascar-volcano/If you want to get to know the Láscar volcano, you can do it through a tour that leaves from San Pedro de Atacama.
- summitpost.org lascar-volcano/154478Láscar consists of two major edifices; activity began at the eastern volcano and then shifted to the western cone.
- fortravelovers.com en/how-to-climb-the-lascar-…Caloric breakfast at the foot of the Láscar volcano. Foods rich in calories to withstand the trail and the cold.
- youtube.com watchLascar Volcano Eruption Update; Explosive Eruption Occurs, 5 Kilometer Exclusion Zone.