• In mathematics, a matrix group is a group G consisting of invertible matrices over a specified field K, with the operation of matrix multiplication.
  • The set of all such invertible linear transformations from the vector space Rn to itself is called the General Linear group and is denoted by GL(n, R) or GLn(R)...
  • The Real General Linear Group's structure embodies the full suite of possible invertible linear transformations...
  • We dene the projective general linear grou¡ p PGL n¢ F £ to¡ be the group induced on the points of the projective space PG n ¤ 1¢ F £ by GL n¢ F £ . Thus
  • Not every linear group is algebraic; but all the ones we meet will be.
  • The general linear group is an example of a group scheme; viewing it in this way ties together the properties of.
  • SOn = On ∩ SLn, the special orthogonal group, is a linear algebraic group. Sometimes we distinguish the odd and the even indices as SO2n+1 and SO2n.
  • Since the general linear group as a topological group (def. ) is an open subspace of Euclidean space (proof of prop...
  • Over any field K, linear group usually refers to an algebraic group which is a (Zariski closed) subgroup of the general linear group GL(n,K)...
  • ...RR) General Linear Group of degree 100 over Real Field with 53 bits of precision sage: GL(3, GF(49,'a')) # needs sage.rings.finite_rings General Linear Group of...