• Discover all the historic iconography related to the Maison Carrée (drawings, paintings, engravings, photographs, objects, etc...
  • The Maison carrée (. French pronunciation: [mɛzɔ kaʁe]; French for "square house") is an ancient Roman temple in Nîmes, southern France...
  • Maison Carrée’nin olduğu yerden yolun karşısına bakıldığında, burada çok ünlü ve çok başarılı İngiliz mimar Norman Foster’ın tasarladığı bir yapı görünür.
  • As one of the best-preserved Roman temples anywhere in the world, the Maison Carrée continues to captivate visitors, offering a glimpse into the architectural...
  • Maison Carrée, Nîmes'in kalbinde yer alan güzel ve tarihi bir Roma tapınağıdır.
  • Adjacent to the Maison Carrée is the Mediatheque, by British architect Sir Norman Foster.
  • These were demolished in the 19th century, restoring Maison Carrée to the isolation it would have enjoyed in Roman times.
  • It can be partly appreciated through the form and design of the place de la Maison Carrée, which was created with a view of imitating the historical context.
  • Below is a location map and aerial view of Maison Carrée.
  • It took more than four years and nearly 44,000 man-hours by sculptors and compagnon stone masons to give a new lease of life to the Maison Carrée, under the...