- en.wikipedia.org Manfred EigenDutch Queen Beatrix meets five Nobel prize winners (1983): Paul Berg, Christian de Duve, Steven Weinberg, Manfred Eigen & Nicolaas Bloembergen.
- nature.com articles/d41586-019-00731-8…Chemist Manfred Eigen regarded received wisdom as a challenge rather than a constraint.
- nobelprize.org prizes/chemistry/1967/eigen/…Manfred Eigen was born in Bochum on 9 May 1927, the son of the chamber musician Ernst Eigen and his wife Hedwig, née Feld.
- chemistry.msu.edu faculty-research/portraits/…Using similar methods, Eigen measured rates of proton transfer in organic acids and bases, and extended the method to complex sequences of biological...
- lookchem.com The-Nobel-Prize/Manfred-Eigen.htmlManfred Eigen (born May 9, 1927, Bochum) is a German biophysicist and a former director of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen.
- thefamouspeople.com profiles/manfred-eigen-…Manfred Eigen was a German biophysical chemist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1967, for his work on kinetics of extremely rapid chemical reactions.
- mpinat.mpg.de 645445/Manfred_EigenManfred Eigen's vision was to study complex life processes using biological, chemical, and physical methods at the newly-established institute.
- uni-goettingen.de en/62606.htmlIn the year 1967 Manfred Eigen (1927 to 2019) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for experimental analyses of extremely fast chemical reactions...
- science.org doi/full/10.1126/science.aax2485…Manfred is survived by his second wife, scientist Ruthild Oswatitsch-Eigen, who accompanied him on his scientific journey for more than 50 years...
- pas.va en/academicians/deceased/eigen.htmlManfred Eigen, member of this Academy since 1981, passed away on 6 February 2019 in Göttingen (Germany) at the age of 91 years.
- nytimes.com 2019/02/12/obituaries/manfred-eigen-…Manfred Eigen, who shared the 1967 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for devising a method to time chemical reactions that had been thought too swift to measure...
- buyukansiklopedi.com Manfred_Eigen1962'de Manfred Eigen, Otto Hahn Fizik ve Kimya Ödülü'nü aldı ve daha sonra 1994'te Berlin ve Brandenburg Bilimler Akademisi ona Helmholtz Madalyası verdi.
- physicstoday.scitation.org do/10.1063/PT.5.031457…Born on 9 May 1927, Manfred Eigen was a German physicist and Nobel laureate best known for his work measuring fast ionic reactions in solution.
Manfred Eigen
Genel bilgiler
Manfred Eigen (d. 9 Mayıs 1927, Bochum - ö. 6 Şubat 2019), Alman biyofizikçi ve Göttingen'deki Max Planck Biyofizik Kimya Enstitüsü'nün eski yöneticisidir.
1967'de, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish ve George Porter ile beraber, Nobel Kimya Ödülü'nü aldı. Çok kısa enerji atımlarına dönük yanıt veren olağanüstü hızlı kimyasal tepkime (ing:reaction) hakkındaki çalışmaları nedeniyle bu ödüle layık görüldüler.
Ek olarak, ismi kimyasal hiper çember teorisi; 1979'da Peter Schuster ile beraber tanımladığı prebiyotik sistemlerin kendi kendine organizasyonunu açıklamak için tepkime çemberlerinin çembersel bağlantısını anlatan teori ile anılmaktadır.
Kısa bilgiler
- Doğum tarihi ve yeri:9 Mayıs 1927, Bochum, Almanya
- Ölüm tarihi:6 Şubat 2019 (91 yaşında)
- Evliliği:Ruthild Winkler