- en.wikipedia.org Matti KurikkaPolitical caricature: Matti Kurikka dancing Russian Trepak before Finnish folk. Matti Kurikka (January 24, 1863 Maloye Karlino, Tsarskoselsky Uyezd...
- doria.fi bitstream/handle/10024/184907/matti_…Toimittaja Matti Kurikka, joka on uuden sointulan perus-tamisaikeissa tiedustellut Canadan hallitukses-ta Malkosaaren nykyistä hallinnollista tilaa, on...
- academia.edu 30824173/Matti_Kurikka_a_prophet_in_…Members of the project team presented their research at the FinnForum XI conference in Turku, focusing on the ethnic and transnational aspects of Matti Kurikka’s...
- gutenberg.org ebooks/author/5646Pilven hattaroita II (Finnish) Matti Kurikka 33 downloads.
- kansallisbiografia.fi english/person/3515Matti Kurikka is indisputably one of the most controversial Finns of the 20th century.
- biographi.ca en/bio/kurikka_matti_14E.htmlFrom a bourgeois home, Matti Kurikka attended school in his native region of Ingermanland for three years before moving with his parents to Helsinki in...
- newspapers.com article/times-colonist-matti-…To assist them in their struggle to convert the raw wilderness into an utopian reality, Finnish political activist and charismatic visionary Matti Kurikka was...
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/Category:Matti_KurikkaUtopistisosialisti Matti Kurikka toisen puolisonsa Hanna Räihän kanssa 1900-luvun alussa.jpg 3,500 × 2,571; 2.16 MB.
- openlibrary.org works/OL4159470W/Matti_KurikkaAn edition of Matti Kurikka (1978).
- ojs.library.ubc.ca index.php/bcstudies/article/…It was thought a good idea, therefore, to write to Matti Kurikka in Australia asking him to come to British Columbia and start a Finnish colony.19.