• Mission San Fernando Rey de España is a Spanish mission in the Mission Hills community of Los Angeles, California.
  • As far as California Missions go, Mission San Fernando Rey de España is a great one to visit. It was the 17th mission founded of the 21 Spanish Caliornia...
  • The location in San Fernando was a prime spot, along the main highway leading to Los Angeles.
  • San Fernando Rey de España was founded on September 8, 1797. This mission is organized around a large quadrangle, with a simple adobe church located...
  • The mission was secularized in 1834 and returned to the Catholic Church in 1861; it became a working church in 1920.
  • The location of Mission San Fernando was chosen for the large springs in the area.
  • Not only were the grounds pleasant to walk around, but the Mission San Fernando, Rey de España has a plethora of historical artifacts and interesting relics...
  • This location adds to the historical significance of the mission and provides a scenic backdrop for visitors.
  • But in all my visits I’ve never come across a mission as well preserved as Mission San Fernando Rey de España.
  • Mission San Fernando Rey de España is a Spanish mission in the Mission Hills district of Los Angeles, California.
  • Founded in 1797, the Catholic Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana is still an awe-inspiring sight to behold.
  • San Fernando Rey de España is a former Spanish mission in Mission Hills, California. It was the 17th of California’s 21 missions.
  • 01A Glimpse into Mission San Fernando Rey De Espana. 02Foundation and Early Days.