• Monument to the March Dead (German: Denkmal für die Märzgefallenen) is an expressionist monument in the Weimar Central Cemetery in Weimar...
  • The monument named “Märzgefallenen-Denkmal” (Monument to the March Dead) was installed to commemorate the death of those who emphatically opposed...
  • When unfavorable tidings came in from most parts of the Reich, Kapp despaired of the success of his undertaking, and on 17 March he announced his resignation.
  • Monument to the March Dead was published in Walter Gropius on page 44.
  • Monument to the March Dead - Exterior: Tail, Westerm Side.
  • Josef Albers, Homage to the Square,1961. Josef Albers, Persuasive Percussion,1959.
  • Monument to the March Dead (German: Denkmal für die Märzgefallenen) is an expressionist monument in the Weimar Central Cemetery in Weimar...
  • The Monument to the March Dead was erected between 1920 and 1922. It was created to honor the workers who died during the Kapp Putsch, which was a coup...
  • Since 1989 municipalities along the routes of the “death marches” have erected 22 identical “death march monuments” by the sculptor Hubertus von Pilgrim.