- en.wikipedia.org Narrenturm (asylum)Remnants of one of the oldest lightning rods in the world, at the Narrenturm. The Narrenturm (Fool's Tower) in Vienna is continental Europe's oldest building...
- atlasobscura.com places/narrenturmMeaning “Fools’ Tower,” the Narrenturm was one of the first insane asylums ever built. Today the Narrenturm no longer holds mentally imbalanced Viennese...
- nhm-wien.ac.at en/narrenturmPathological-Anatomical Collection in the Narrenturm.
- visitamuseum.info post/narrenturm-the-…Today, the Narrenturm still has the same cells, barred doors and chains that used to restrain those living there, the mentally ill and the criminally insane.
- wien.info hu/narrenturm-bolondok-tornya--144564The former insane asylum now houses one of the world's biggest collections of pathology and anatomy.
- museumofthemind.org.uk projects/european-journeys…The aim of the Narrenturm was not so much treatment of its patient population, but rather protection of the general population from them.
- secretvienna.org narrenturm-vienna/If you are interested in pathology, anatomy and diseases, you should visit the Narrenturm.Bulunamadı: asylum
- carolcram.com visit-to-the-worlds-first-purpose-…In the course of my research, I stumbled upon a picture of the Narrenturm and read that it has hardly changed since it stopped being an insane asylum in the 1850’s.
- lisepatt.culturalinquiry.org fixing-shadows/after…The Narrenturm (Fool’s Tower) c. 1992. The asylum was built during the reign of Joseph II (1764-1790).