• Monument of František Palacký in Prague, nicknamed Father of the Nation, considered to be father of Czech nationalism.
  • All branches and regional offices of the Czech National Bank will return to full operation, five days a week, from Monday, 14 December 2020.
  • Artistic Director: Filip Barankiewicz www.national-theatre.cz.
  • DELTA Legal is a legal adviser to the Czech National Trust and provides it with pro bono services as part of its CSR activities.
  • It is with the help of our dedicated volunteers that the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library continues to serve the community.
  • While Slovakia extended its anthem by adding a second verse, the Czech Republic’s national anthem was adopted unextended, in its single-verse version.
  • During the 19th-century national revival, the word "Czech" was also used to distinguish between the Czech- and German-speaking peoples living in the country.
  • The Czech Republic supports R&D at the federal level through various agencies, which announce calls for proposal when funding opportunities become available.
  • The National Library is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • He lived during the period of Czech National Revival and that was his motivation to write a satirical theatre play about the Germanized Czech population.
  • The Czech koruna serves as the national unit of currency, and the Czech National Bank is recognized as the country’s central bank.
  • The PGA National is the premier golfing experience in the Czech Republic, unmatched by any other club in the region.
  • National Czech Slovak Museum & Library - rmerritt@ncsml.org.