• The Oratory of St John the Baptist (Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista) is a 14th-century small chapel or prayer hall located in Via Francesco Barocci, in Urbino...
  • Visiting the oratory of San Giovanni and also including the nearby oratory of San Giuseppe (price 5 euros for both).
  • In conclusion, the Oratory of Saint John the Baptist of Urbino is a true treasure, offering visitors a glimpse into the artistic and spiritual heritage of this charming...
  • The Oratory of St John the Baptist is a 14th-century small chapel or prayer hall located in Via Francesco Barocci, in Urbino, Region of the Marche, Italy.
  • Discover the magnificent fresco 'The Crucifixion' by the Salimbeni brothers in the Oratory of St. John the Baptist in Urbino, Italy.
  • The oratory was built from 1365-93 as the seat of a confraternity named for the Saint, near a hospice which cared for both pilgrims and the sick.
  • ...Frescos to be seen and enjoyed at the Oratory of St John the Baptist a 14th-century small chapel or prayer hall located in Via Francesco Barocci, Urbino.
  • Nevertheless Urbino hosts an amazing example of Late Medieval art: the Saint John’s Oratory by the brothers Jacopo and Lorenzo Salimbeni from San...
  • Scenes from the life of John the Baptist c. 1416 Fresco Oratory of San Giovanni Battista, Urbino.
  • The Oratory construction was granted to Finello Ugolini from Urbino in May 25, 1365 by Lateran Chapter and had to be fulfilled by the end of the century, as...