- medium.com @gardinerbarbi/ostara-a-history-of-the…There are many ways to celebrate Ostara, from traditional pagan rituals to modern-day traditions, such as egg hunts and planting gardens.
- wiseashwitch.com ostaraCelebrate Ostara with these delicious and traditional recipes that honor the renewal of spring.
- en.wikipedia.org ĒostreOstara (1884) by Johannes Gehrts. The goddess flies through the heavens surrounded by Roman-inspired putti, beams of light, and animals.
- sacredwicca.com ostara-sabbatThe original Ostara Egg hunt was probably begun by the Christian authorities, and later became a child's game.
- pagankids.org post/ostaraThere are no direct historical links between Ostara and the hare, except they were both worshiped (separately) in the spring and both at the full moon.
- Crossing the continental fault line between East and West, OSTARA cuts deep into the raw nerve of an era of pain...
- eksisozluk.com ostara--181471şimdiki bildiğimiz adı ile easter başlığı altında da incelenmiş olan ostara, ki ismi cermen'lerin bahar ve bereket tanrıçası olan eostre 'den gelmektedir...
- thetroth.org resource/ostara/If you choose to celebrate the feast of Easter / Ostara, it might be best to hold this feast when you can see signs of spring, whenever that might be in your area.