• Camminando per ferrara quando torno il fine settimana è sempre un piacere ripercorrere queste strade che portano a palazzo diamanti...ultima visita a palazzo...
  • The Palazzo Massari, also known as the Palazzo Rosso, is a Renaissance-style palace located on Borso and Corso Porta Mare, at the northwest corner of Piazza Ariostea...
  • The Palazzo Massari, with its architectural grandeur, artistic treasures, and vibrant cultural offerings, has become an iconic symbol of Ferrara's cultural identity.
  • Built at the end of the 1400s, just a few steps away from Piazza Ariostea, with its bright open spaces, Palazzo Bevilacqua-Massari has been converted and...
  • Palazzo Massari was built starting from the last decade of the sixteenth century, since 1975 it has housed the Modern and Contemporary Art Galleries.
  • This early Renaissance palace houses three museums: the Museo Giovanni Boldini, dedicated solely to Ferrara-born Giovanni Boldini; the Museo dell…
  • Der Palazzo Massari mit seinen reich dekorierten und möblierten Sälen umfasst drei Museen zur Kunst: das Museo dell'Ottocento mit Werken des 19.
  • Palazzo Massari è un grande palazzo nobiliare di Ferrara, situato in Corso Porta a Mare 9. Eretto alla fine del Cinquecento come palazzo Bevilacqua...
  • Parco Massari is located very close to Palazzo dei Diamanti, and offers refreshment from the hot temperature in the summertime.