• Palazzo della Ragione in Padua. The Palazzo della Ragione is a medieval market hall, town hall and palace of justice building in Padua, in the Veneto region of Italy.
  • Con i suoi 82 metri di lunghezza e i 27 di larghezza il Salòn o Palazzo della Ragione, l'antica sede dei tribunali cittadini di Padova, è una delle più ampie aule...
  • Orta Çağ'dan kalma bir pazar salonu, belediye binası ve adalet sarayı binası olan Palazzo della Ragione, halen ayakta olan en büyük ortaçağ salonlarından biridir.
  • The Palazzo della Ragione, built in the Middle Ages as the seat of the city courts, still hosts on the ground floor one of the oldest European markets.
  • Known simply as Il Salòn , the Palazzo della Ragione formerly housed the city’s courts, and has one of the largest raised rooms in all of Europe.
  • Palazzo della Giustizia or 'della Ragione' was built in 1218-19 and is one of the most majestic and important sites in Padova.
  • A symbol of the city's power, the Palazzo della Ragione was the beating heart of Verona for centuries and still today represents an unmissable stop for anyone...
  • Although his frescoes have vanished without a trace, we can be 100% certain that it was Giotto who worked on the Palazzo della Ragione.
  • The Palazzo della Ragione was one of the first Italian “Commune Halls” and was built almost one thousand years ago to host the city public meetings.