• I feel like every project that's kind of in the Linux Mobile space has some sort of connection to postmarketOS.
  • The latest stable release is postmarketOS v24.06. Development is done in postmarketOS edge (keep an eye on the breakage reports).
  • postmarketOS is also organized into Teams, which are built around a singular topic or purpose.
  • I'm working on an Alpine Linux based distribution called postmarketOS where each phone will have only one unique package — all other packages are shared...
  • Not using Twitter anymore, find postmarketOS on Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@postmarketOS.
  • postmarketOS is a touch-optimized and pre-configured Alpine Linux. It can be installed on smartphones and other devices.
  • postmarketOS (abbreviated as pmOS) is an operating system primarily for smartphones, based on the Alpine Linux distribution. postmarketOS was launched on 26 May 2017...
  • Running PostmarketOS on my phone. Couple of weeks back I installed PostmarketOS on my idle phone Leeco Le 1s , which was paper weight for some time now.
  • postmarketOS. Touch-optimized, pre-configured Alpine Linux with own packages, that can be installed on smartphones.
  • postmarketOS source code is no longer on GitHub. GitHub is where postmarketOS builds software.