• The location of R'lyeh given by Lovecraft was. 47°9′S 126°43′W / 47.150°S 126.717°W in the southern Pacific Ocean. August Derleth placed it at about.
  • eskiler in rahibi cthulhu nun ölü olarak yattığı şehirin adı..cthulhu burda yatarak insanların düşlerine etki eder ve onları mezhebine çekmeye çalışır. (bkz: cthulhu).
  • Rlyeh is a sunken city located deep under the Pacific Ocean according to "The Call of Cthulhu" by H. P. Lovecraft. The city is the burial ground where Cthulhu himself lays until...
  • A collective of like minded dwellers in the great City of R'lyeh, with plans to grow the city across the world.
  • R'lyeh features an entirely unique, custom crafting system that encourages an immersive atmosphere.
  • Such confusion and disorientation on Rlyeh did result in the death of at least one of the sailors on 23rd of March 1925.
  • Bazı edebi eleştirmenlere göre, R'lyeh yıkık kent sahasında esinlenerek Nan Madol adasında Pohnpei içinde Mikronezya Federal Devletleri .
  • R'lyeh features an entirely unique, custom crafting system that encourages an immersive atmosphere.
  • A German explorer comes across his Magnum Opus, the mystical Lost City of R'lyeh.