• Rapakivi from a moraine in Northern Germany. Rapakivi granite is a hornblende-biotite granite containing large round crystals of orthoclase each with a rim of oligoclase...
  • A term, used as both an adjective and noun, for a variety of granite usually containing amphibole and/or biotite and characterized by the presence of large ...
  • Rapakivi granite porphyry - both ovoidal and angular crystals in fine-grained matrix.
  • Anorthosite-mangerite-rapakivi granite-peralkaline granite magmatism is connected with activity of the mantle plums only.
  • Most of the rapakivi granites are Proterozoic (mainly 1.0 to 1.7 Ga) but also Archean (2.8 Ga) and Phanerozoic (0.05 to 0.4 Ga) are known.
  • These features were similar to that of typical Proterozoic rapakivi granites from Finland, Miyun (Beijing) and other places [1–10,41,42].
  • To avoid confusion, rapakivi is now defined as a granite which comes from a pluton that shows rapakivi texture at least partly.
  • Rapakivi Granite is a hornblende-biotite Granite containing large rounded crystals of orthoclase which are mantled with oligoclase.
  • The homogeneity of the rapakivi granites with no preferred mineral orientation implies that the durability properties are isotropic, i.e. fairly equal in all directions...
  • Rapakivi kelimesi Fince'den gelir ve kolayca parçalanan veya parçalanan bir kayayı ifade eder.
  • Most rapakivi granites are of Proterozoic (ca 1800–1000 Ma) age but are also found from Archaean (ca 2800 Ma) and Phanerozoic (400–50 Ma) domains.
  • The work investigated the initial stage of such destruction, when microcracks develop in visually integral samples of rapakivi granites...