- tr.wikipedia.org Samuel Beckett20.000 adet basılan ve 2 Mayıs 2006'da tedavüle çıkan paraların yazı tarafında İrlanda arpı ile "Samuel Beckett 1906 - 1989" yazısı bulunuyordu.
- lassho.edu.vn samuel-beckett/During the 1930s and 1940s, Samuel Beckett wrote his first novels and short stories.
- britannica.com biography/Samuel-BeckettA substantial selection of archival and epistolary material was published as Dear Mr. Beckett: Letters from the Publisher, the Samuel Beckett File (2016)...
- bilgihanem.com samuel-beckett-kimdir/Samuel Beckett, geride bıraktığı tiyatro eserleri ile ismini hala yaşatan İrlandalı oyun yazarlarından biridir.
- biography.com Nobel Prize Winners Samuel BeckettDuring the 1930s and 1940s, Samuel Beckett wrote his first novels and short stories.
- Samuel Beckett's first play was Eleutheria and involved a young man's efforts to cut himself loose from his family and social obligations.
- poetryfoundation.org poets/samuel-beckettBy the late 1980s, Samuel Beckett was in failing health and had moved to a small nursing home.
- medium.com alphabeticon/samuel-beckett-…A classic example of this kind of gossiping superficiality is the widely held notion of Samuel Beckett as a playwright of sordid despair...
- mardinlife.com biyografi/samuel-beckett-kimdir-…Yazar, Eleştirmen, Şair Samuel Beckett edebi kişiliği, hayat hikayesi ve eserleri merak ediliyor.
- tiyatrolar.com.tr samuel-beckettSamuel Barclay Beckett İrlandalı oyun yazarı, eleştirmen ve şairdir. ... Gittikçe daha kısa ve özlü eserler veren Beckett, bu kötümserliği kara mizah yoluyla anlatır.
Samuel Beckett