- en.wikipedia.org SitarThe sitar (. English: /ˈsɪtɑːr/ or /sɪˈtɑːr/; IAST: sitāra) is a plucked stringed instrument, originating from the Indian subcontinent, used in Hindustani classical music.
- medium.com @2022mdes021/sitar-past-sitar-future-…A plucked stringed instrument from India is referred to as a sitar.
- middermusic.com sitar-indian-musical-instrument/When a string vibrates, its length varies minutely as the edge contacts the bridge, enabling harmonics production, thus creating the sitar’s unique tone.
- Expert sitar builders string the instrument with a bridge through jawari (the process of optimizing the sitar’s tonal quality)...
- learn.humsa.com music/sitar-instrument/A sitar generally has 18 to 21 strings and 20 frets. Of the 21 strings, 5 are melody strings, 12 or 13 are sympathetic strings and one or two are drone strings.
- liveabout.com sitar-instrument-3552878A sitar is a plucked string instrument common to classical Indian music, particularly in the Hindustani (northern Indian) classical traditions.
- seapro.in instruments/sitar/Sitar is a plucked string instrument that belongs to the lute family. Typically measuring about 1.2 metres (4 feet) in length, the sitar has a deep pear-shaped...
- artsphere.org sitar/Some scholars believe the sitar developed from the ancient Rudra veena, a large plucked string instrument used in Indian classical music.
- en.sitargoln.com the-sitar-instrument/The sitar is one of the most iconic and recognizable stringed instruments in Indian music. Its distinct sound and intricate design make it a centerpiece in both...
- indianclassicalmusic.com sitarThe current day Sitar has seven strings and is played by plucking the strings that rest on a bridge and a tuning peg.
- atyutka.com sitar/Sitar is a musical instrument belonging to the family of Plucked String Instruments. It is widely used in the Hindustani Classical Music concerts and has an origin...
- ipassio.com wiki/musical-instruments/string/sitarSitar is a plucked string instrument popularized by Hindustani classical music. The Sitar instrument is typically 1.2 meters, or four feet, in length and is played...
Genel bilgiler
Sitar (Hindu/Sanskrit: सितार, Urduca: ستار, Farsça: سی تار) telli uzun saplı bir saz, müzik enstrümanıdır.
Bu müzik aleti, Hint kültürü dışında batıda da benimsenmiş bir çalgıdır. Sitar Iran-Afganistan bolgesinin sehtar adlı aletinden türemiştir.
Sitarın telleri iki kategoriye ayrılır. Ana teller yarım ay şeklinde bükülmüş perdeler üzerinde çalınır. Taraf telleri perdelerin altındadır. Sayıları sitarın yapıldığı bölge ve ustaya göre değişir. Genelde 12-13 taraf teli bulunur ve bunlar çalınan raga'ya (makama) göre akort edilir.
Ana tellerden çalınırken verilen notalar, taraf tellerinde tekrarlanır ve yankılanır. Sitarın mistik sesi buradan gelmektedir ve genellikle, her müzik türünde, müzikal eserlere mistik bir hava katmak için kullanılmaktadır.