• If you have Microsoft 365 but don't already have Skype for Business and need to install it, see
  • Note: This Skype for Business Basic MSI desktop client provides presence, instant messaging and conferencing features.
  • Previously known as Microsoft Lync Server, the Skype application for Business use is a unified communications (UC)...
  • From marathon video calls to wedding bells, this couple relied on Skype to stay connected while living thousands of miles apart.
  • Görünüm ve his açısından, Skype for Business , Skype simgelerini birleştirirken, iş ürününe çok benzer bir arabirime sahip Lync'in dikey düzenini korur.
  • Skype Kurumsal veya Lync 2013 toplantısına davet edilen herkes Skype Kurumsal Mobil uygulamasını kullanabilir.
  • ...kullanıyorsanız, iş arkadaşlarınızı bulmayı ve onlarla iletişim kurmayı kolaylaştıran Skype For Business, kullanıcı tarafına her anlamda kolaylık sağlayabilirsiniz.
  • However, you must have a Skype for Business or Lync account in order to use (and enjoy) the full capability of the Skype for Business app.
  • Skype for Business 16.0.4849.1000 indir.
  • Skype for Business Web for computers, mobile phones, or tablets to stay connected with family and friends from anywhere.