- en.wikipedia.org CearáLiterally, the name Ceará means "sings the jandaia".[5] According to José de Alencar, one of the most important writers of Brazil and an authority in Tupi Guaraní...
- en.wikivoyage.org wiki/CearáSunset at Preá Beach, near Jericoacoara. Ceará is a state in Northeast Brazil. Traditionally one of the poorest in the country...
- thesilvernomad.co.uk ceara-brazil-faqs/Ceará is in the northeast tip of Brazil on the South Atlantic Ocean coast with around 370 miles of golden beaches, dunes and cliffs.
- culturalmaya.com ceara-ce-capital-map-flag-…BR-116 is one of the federal highways that cross Ceará, starting in Fortaleza and reaching the extreme south of the country.
- lonelyplanet.com brazil/cearaIn a country of glorious coastlines, Ceará has one of the most glorious of all: almost 370mi (600km) of beautiful and varied beaches, from idyllic little palm-fringed...
- wikidata.org wiki/Q2538032imported from Wikimedia project. Spanish Wikipedia. located in the administrative territorial entity.
- mapcarta.com CearáCrateús is a Brazilian city in the northwest of the state of Ceará in Northeastern Brazil with an estimated 75,159 inhabitants, and one of the most important and oldest...
- roughguides.com brazil/northeast/ceara/The beaches of Ceará are what attract most visitors, and both east and west of Fortaleza they stretch unbroken for hundreds of kilometres.
- en.madskillsvocabulary.com estado-do-cearThe cities of Ceará are distributed in seven regions. They are: northeast, metropolitan area of Fortaleza, hinterlands, Jaguaribe, north, center-south and south.
- britannica.com place/CearaCeará is semiarid, precipitation ranging from 63 inches (1,600 mm) on the seaboard and in the mountains to 16 inches (400 mm) in the backlands.
Genel bilgiler
Ceará Eyaleti Brezilya'nın Kuzeydoğu bölgesinde yer almaktadır. Sermaye Fortaleza ve kısaltmadır CE.
Alan: 148.886.308 kilometre kare.
Sınırlar: Rio Grande do Norte ve Paraíba ile doğu, Pernambuco ile güney, Piauí ile batı ve Atlantik Okyanusu ile kuzey.
Ceará'nın ekonomisi, tahıl ve meyvelerin tarımsal üretimine odaklanmıştır. Pirinç, fasulye, şeker kamışı, hindistan cevizi, muz ve kavun ekimi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Akifer aktivitesi, ıstakoz ve karidesin geri çekilmesine yardımcı olur.
Ceará yarı kurak iklimin etkisi altındadır. Ortalama sıcaklık 24 ºC'dir ve termometreler 30 ºC'ye salınır. İklim nedeniyle, çok kurak yazlarla karşı karşıya olan eyalette kuraklık dönemseldir.
Kısa bilgiler
- Kuruluş tarihi:1891
- Nüfusu:8.794.957 (2022)
- Yüzölçümü:148.920 km²