• Stećci at Radimlja necropolis. Stećak (plural stećci; Cyrillic стећак, стећци) is the name for monumental medieval tombstones, that lie scattered across Bosnia and Herzegovina...
  • Stećak (Kirilce: Стећак, çoğul: Stećci, Стећци), Bosna-Hersek ve Hırvatistan, Karadağ ve Sırbistan'ın sınır bölgelerine dağılmış olan anıtsal Orta Çağ mezar taşlarının adıdır.
  • Even their name is a giveaway — stećak means »standing«, »big« and also »resistant«. Significantly, necropolis with Stećci are found in a limited area in the form...
  • Stećaks was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016. It includes 30 necropolis – of which 22 from Bosnia & Herzegovina.
  • First of all, it is indisputable that the stećaks are specific for medieval Bosnia and Hum, or Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that they are distributed in all its parts.
  • The most remarkable features of the stećak (tombstone) are the amazing decorative motifs, epitaphs and epigraphs many of which remain enigmatic to this day.
  • This key is used in conjunction with historic=stećak to specify various specificities and details concerning these very unique historic tombstones...
  • Stećak Necropolis Radimlja is the most valuable and most famous monument of medieval period of Bosnia and Herzegovina (14th and 15th century).
  • Stećak (Kirilce: Стећак, çoğul: Stećci, Стећци), Bosna-Hersek ve Hırvatistan, Karadağ ve Sırbistan'ın sınır bölgelerine dağılmış olan anıtsal Orta Çağ mezar...