- en.wikipedia.org Steve DitkoStephen John Ditko (/ˈdɪtkoʊ/; November 2, 1927 – June 29, 2018) was an American comic book writer best known for being the co-creator of Marvel superhero Spider-Man...
- imdb.com name/nm0228492/Steve was the second of four children born to the Ditko family, and he was raised as a typical member of a working class family.
- bolgegundem.com.tr steve-ditko-kimdir-kac-…1960’lı yılların başlarında Marvel Comis’te çalışmaya başlayan Steve Ditko, o dönemde kendisi gibi sıradan bir çalışan olan geleceğin CEO’su Stan Lee ile birlikte...
- lambiek.net artists/d/ditko_steve.htmGreg Theakston's Pure Imagination has compiled editions of Ditko's Charlton work as well in its collection 'Steve Ditko Reader' since 2002.
- spiderman.fandom.com wiki/Steve_DitkoStephen J. "Steve" Ditko (November 2nd, 1927 – June 29, 2018) was a renowned American comic book artist and writer, best known as the co-creator of Spider-Man...
- eksisozluk.com steve-ditko--7374060'lı yıllardan sonra çekilmiş resmi dahi yok. hatta hakkında " in search of steve ditko " diye belgeseli bile yapılmış. sanırım yaşadığını vefat ettiğinde öğrenmiş...
- haberler.com steve-ditko/biyografisi/Hayatına ilişkin belgeselleri: " In Search of Steve Ditko " jonathan Ross'un Ditko'ya ulaşma çabalarını anlatan bir belgeseldir.
- tvtropes.org pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/SteveDitkoIn other words, Stan Lee made Steve Ditko famous among comics fans as the artist of Spider-Man, which is another one of the tragic ironies of Ditko's life.
- comicbasics.com steve-ditko/Born in 1927, Steve Ditko studied at the Cartoonist and Illustrators School in New York.
- comicvine.gamespot.com steve-ditko/4040-4026/Ditko’s interest in the comics began and was nurtured by the interest his father, also named Stephen, had in the newspaper funnies of the day...
Steve Ditko
Çizgi Roman Çizeri