• 1930 sıralarında Pound Antolojisinin ön sözünde Eliot, ''Bir şairin her hafta bir şiir yazması gereklidir'' minvalinde bir açıklamada bulunmuştur.
  • In the early 1960s, by then in failing health, Eliot worked as an editor for the Wesleyan University Press, seeking new poets in Europe for publication.
  • The T. S. Eliot Prize and The Poetry Society are delighted to invite applications for the third year of the highly praised and hugely successful Young Critics...
  • T.S. Eliot'ın şiiri sıklıkla zaman bağımlı, zaman güdümlü gelenekten kaçma arzusunu yansıtmaktadır.
  • Eliots masterpiece is Four Quartets , which was issued as a book in 1943, though each “quartet” is a complete poem.
  • The third coincided with Eliots angst at the economic depression and the rise of Nazism, culminating in the wartime Four Quartets in 1943.
  • Thomas Stearns Eliot is “one of the twentieth century’s major poets,” and deserves recognition as such (Garraty and Carnes 23).
  • Thomas Stearns Eliot T.S. Eliot / Çorak Ülke, Dört Kuartet ve başka şiirler, Adam Yayınları.
  • After a notoriously unhappy first marriage, Eliot separated from his first wife in 1933 and married Valerie Fletcher in 1956.
  • 1988 ABD doğumlu olan Thomas Stearns Eliot, şair, oyun yazarı ve edebiyat eleştirmenidir.