- en.wikipedia.org Thomas Mayne ReidThomas Mayne Reid (4 April 1818 – 22 October 1883) was a British novelist who fought in the Mexican–American War (1846–1848).
- In particular see "Mayne Reid, A Memoir of His Life by Elizabeth Reid, His Widow" and Captain Mayne Reid by Joan Steele, Twayne Publishers.
- tr.wiki7.org wiki/Рид,_Томас_МайнThomas Mayne Reid ( İng . Thomas Mayne Reid ; 4 Nisan 1818 , Ballironi , Büyük Britanya - 22 Ekim 1883 , Londra ) - İngiliz yazar...
- buyukansiklopedi.com Thomas_Mayne_Reidİrlanda'daki Presbiteryen Kilisesi Genel Kurulu üyesi olan Rahip Thomas Mayne Reid'in oğludur .
- oceanofpdf.com authors/thomas-mayne-reid/pdf-epub…Here is a quick description and cover image of book Complete Works of Captain Mayne Reid written by Thomas Mayne Reid which was published in —.
- freeditorial.com en/books/filter-author/thomas-…Thomas Mayne Reid The Ocean Waifs: A Story of Adventure on Land and sea.
- imdb.com name/nm0717450/Thomas Mayne Reid was born on 4 April 1818 in Ballyroney, County Down, Ireland.
- croquetengland.org.uk thomas-mayne-reid-1818-1883/Thomas Mayne Reid was born into a Scottish-Irish family in Ballyroney, a small village in County Down.
- npg.org.uk collections/search/person/mp149528/…(Thomas) Mayne Reid ('Men of the Day, No. 58'), by James Jacques Joseph Tissot - NPG D43578.
- mysticbooks.org author/thomas-mayne-reidThomas Mayne Reid was a 19th-century Irish-American writer known for his adventure novels, which were popular with both children and adults.