• Tiamat antik Babil inanışına göre daha genç tanrılar üretmek için tatlı su tanrısı Apsû ile çiftleşen tuz denizinin ilkel tanrıçasıdır. İlkel yaratılıştaki kaosun sembolüdür.
  • johan edlund un son yaptigi sey rezalet olmus. skeleton skeletron kanimca pek degeri olmayan bir album.. ama onun di$inda tiamat vasatin ustunde guzel bir...
  • Johan Edlund during the concert with the band Tiamat on November 17, 2009...
  • Tiamat was the lawful evil dragon goddess of greed, queen of evil dragons and, for a time, reluctant servant of the greater gods Bane and later Asmodeus .
  • Denizlerde bir var olma mücadelesini gözler önüne seren Tiamat kitabı, denizaltının büyülü dünyasını ve insanın ilginç doğasını bilim, varlık, düşünce ve din...
  • In Mesopotamian religion, Tiamat is the primordial sea, mating with Abzû (Apsu), the groundwater, to produce the gods in the Babylonian epic Enûma Elish...
  • Founded as a death/black metal act known as Treblinka in 1987, Tiamat was later part of the bands that pioneered the Swedish death metal sound.
  • "We will return to the Dark Easter Metal Meeting in Munich after five years and present you a best of set for Tiamat's 35th anniversary!"
  • Tiamat’s army was opposed by the forces of Anshar and Kishar , who represented the twin horizons of the sky and earth.