• The Tomb of the Scipios (Latin: sepulcrum Scipionum), also called the hypogaeum Scipionum, was the common tomb of the patrician Scipio family during the Roman...
  • A high podium is the base of the structure, and it had three ashlar arches. One arch lead to the main tomb, another to a room, and the third on lead to no where.
  • Tag is incorrect. cemeteries-and-tombs. ... Another view of the same scrap • 1756-1778. Another view of the same - Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
  • The Tomb of the Scipios was unearthed in 1780 by road workers. Pietro Francesco Gai, an antiquarian, conducted the initial exploration.
  • Possible reconstruction of the Scipio's tomb in Rome, via Appia, Rome, third century B.C.E. - first century C.E. ... Plan of the Tomb of the Scipios in Rome.
  • After this, the location of the tomb of the Scipios again faded into obscurity. Nothing was done, and no excavations or explorations made, for over 160 years.
  • Possible reconstruction of the Scipio’s tomb on the via Appia, Rome, third century B.C.E. – first century C.E. ... Plan of the Tomb of the Scipios in Rome.
    • What is the Tomb of the Scipios and why is it significant?
    • Was Cornelius Scipio Africanus buried at the Tomb of the Scipios?
    • Are there any notable artifacts discovered in the Tomb of the Scipios?
  • The tomb of the Scipios. ... One such place is the Tomb of the Scipios, an ancient burial site that offers us a fascinating insight into the world of ancient Rome.
  • Underground Rome: The Scipios Sepulcher on the Via Appia - Mirabilia Urbis Tours Tomb of scipios By Mirabilia Urbis Tours.